By George Howe –

Decoding the Driftless Documentary and Lesson Plans Provided Free to Driftless Area Educators!

Sustainable Driftless, Inc. non-profit is excited and proud that over 1460 Driftless Region schools have been invited to integrate their award-winning hour-long science adventure documentary and six related environmental education lesson plans. 

Decoding the Driftless tells the captivating story of this uniquely beautiful non-glaciated (aka Driftless) region which is home to one of the largest migratory flyways in the world, the Upper Mississippi River watershed, precious and rare ecosystems including bluff prairies, underground caves and rivers, and sacred Native American grounds. Our hope is for students and educators to develop a strong sense of value and place, as well as, become stewards and protectors of this important resource.

Education outreach to staff and students is essential to our Sustainable Driftless, Inc. non-profit mission of sustaining, protecting, and preserving the Driftless Region.   Most schools have limited budgets and precious little time to create lessons. 

George Howe, Co-Producer and Vice-President of Sustainable Driftless, Inc. and Jan Wee, Education Outreach Coordinator, developed six environmental lessons* (correlated to segments of the film) that are authentic, inquiry-based, and aligned to state and environmental education standards.  

District instructional leaders are asked to inform their grade 3-12 educators of this opportunity.

Educators interested in access to a FREE copy of the film on USB (limit two per school but can be shared) and a download link to our six lessons are required to register as a part of our outreach initiative.  Registration link:

Questions regarding the lessons or this program:

Anyone interested in helping to support this initiative in the way of a donation dedicated to this effort should contact Co-Producer George Howe at email or via Cell: Cell: 608.397.7423           

*Please note:  target grade level range Grades 3-12