It’s easy for humankind to think they’ve seen it all. We’ve traveled to the moon, scaled the world’s highest peaks, and cataloged some of its wildest flora and fauna. And yet, so much of the world remains unexplored, so much unknown. Almost 95% of the oceans remain uncharted, and hereContinue Reading

By Rand Atkinson – A reprint from 2011, and from Author and biologist Rand Atkinson. This excerpt has renewed  relevance to much of what we are experiencing–unstable migrations of crops, people, incense, birds, fish and mammals due to climate change, habitat and predator loss, and species and viral challenges runningContinue Reading

Editor’s Note:  Unfortunately, it isn’t all perfect even in places within the Driftless, but the good news is we are tackling the problem. Clean water advocates, Rep. Ron Kind meet in PFAS hotspot to discuss clean drinking water solutions FRENCH ISLAND – Yesterday, Congressman Ron Kind joined community members, electedContinue Reading