Geology is the basis for understanding so much, including culture, climate, and even policies that guide our societies, large and small.  George Howe is one of the co-founders of the Sustainable Driftless non profit organization, as well as talented producer and filmmaker for the award winning “Decoding the Driftless.  I invite all to get involved and support this organization, mission being to further understanding for young and old, support sustainable policies for the 4 state region, and a clarity of purpose for those lucky enough to experience this area in their lifetimes.


The need for people everywhere, to better understand the land they live upon, and how it came to be, is great, and can help solve many social and environmental problems.  A deeper understanding of the historical geology of a region, and the fascinating processes or occurrences contained therein, greatly increases people’s interest in, appreciation for, enjoyment of, and ideally, respect for the land and biota where we live our lives.


The geological history or “story” of the amazing Driftless Region, of the Upper Midwest in North America, is unique, fascinating, and complex; therefore, a graphical or pictorial description of these processes and phenomena involved, are very useful in helping most people understand this land and history.


So that is what we are doing–sharing the story, assembling the materials, outreaching to communities and schools and to the world about this place via online avenues, producing high quality film and online outreach, and coming soon–podcasts..  


“A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”–Margaret Mead, anthropologist, sociologist, speaker, writer


It matters to us that we make a positive difference, and I hope it matters to you too.


George Howe

Producer and Educator

Sustainable Driftless Inc